
Coat of arms of Russia

Coat of arms of Russia has two heads looking in opposite directions. The result of this thoughtless whim of Russian king-of-arms:
- Russia - a country that has two capital cities (Moscow is official capital and St.Petersburg is "cultural" capital city);
- There are two presidents in Russia (Putin and Medvedev);
- Russia is situated on two continents at once (Europe and Asia);
- Two New Year! (New Year and Old New Year)
The list is endless ....
Author Michael Zadornov


Russian grandmother

Look at that! Russian grandmother are different,  for example, some of them such sporty.
Только посмотрите на это! Русские бабушки бывают разные, например, такие вот спортивные.

Russian dance

This is how the modern multipliers show Russian dance. Вот как показывают русский танец современные мультипликаторы
It's the full version of the cartoon. А здесь полная версия мультика
Cartoon's dance is far from a real Russian dance. Look and compare for yourself - you will not see such vulgarity. Показанный выше танец далек от настоящего русского танца. Посмотрите и сравните сами - здесь вы не увидите такой вульгарности
Russian folk dance full of grace, dignity, strength and smoothness. Русский народный танец полон грации, благородства, текучести и плавности.

Russian gusli music

Today I would like to tell you about a Russian musical instrument Gusli. But I do not find the words. Just see for yourself:

This song is about the Russia.
Gusli musician Yegor Strelnikov is singer epics of ancient Russia, the bell ringer of the St. Daniel Monastery in Moscow. Also playing in concerts. You can see
Site of Strelnikov
You can find him in russian social networks

Some more music by Strelnikov. It's russian lullaby
Еще немного музыки от Стрельникова. Это колыбельная you like it? I take my breath away
....вам понравилось? У меня дух захватывает....


Positive dance

Let's start with the positive.  Начнем с позитива.

This is a dynamic flash mob with the Russian national music. In the dance you will see Russian "khorovod" (round dance - a folk dance in which the dancers form one large circle). This dance was organized by the State Academic Russian Folk Choir Siberia in Novosibirsk, September 16, 2012.
Это зажигательный флешмоб с русской народной музыкой. В танце вы увидите русский "хоровод" ("круговой танец" - народный танец, в котором танцоры образуют круг). Этот танец был организован Государственным Академическим Сибирским русским народным хором в Новосибирске 16 сентября 2012 года.