
Catch phrases of Anton Chekhov

Anton Chekhov, the famous Russian writer, is the author of many of the phrases and expressions. For example, "Берегите в себе человека" (=Save the human in you).

Other catch phrases of Anton Chekhov:

Beware of the refined language. The language should be simple and elegant.
In man should be beautiful: the face, the clothes, and soul, and mind.
Only fools and charlatans knows all.
What a great happiness to love and be loved.
Brevity - the soul of wit.
A real man consists of husband and rank.
Never too early to ask: do I a deed or trifles?
One  pain is always reduces  another. If you step on the tail of a cat that has a toothache, and it will feel better.
Indifference - a paralysis of the soul, premature death.
Clever man loves to learn, and a fool - to teach.
Honor can not be taken away, it can be lost.
[To be a free man] ... Need to squeeze a drop by drop of self a slave.


The world's first round the world sailing expedition on an inflatable

World expedition on a makeshift inflatable and collapsible catamaran successfully completed 25 march 2013 year.  
In February 2008, the Siberian extremals started round trip from the island of Phuket (Thailand). 
Th inflatable  sailing catamaran for the first time crossed the oceans. For travel was built ship that exploded weighs 30 kilograms and fit into 35 bags. Catamaran assembled has a length of 12 meters, weight - 850 kilograms, height - 13 meters, its frame is made of aluminum alloy with the addition of zirconium (these are used for submarines). Tests have shown that such a framework there is no limit on the time of operation.
The boat was designed and built Anatoly Kulik, he also designed the route. In swimming Siberians suffered several storms, two meetings with the sharks and breaking GPS-navigator.


Dr Leonid Rogozov Performs Self Surgery

Operation conducted himself

This story takes place in 1961 in Antarctica. 27 year old Dr. Leonid Rogozov took part  in Antarctic expedition. April 29 Leonid ill. As an experienced surgeon, he found that he had acute appendicitis. But since he was the only doctor at the station, and the non-flying weather was, so he decided to do the surgery himself. Weather forecaster  gave tools, the driver held a mirror and directed the light from the desk lamp, and the doctor made himself a local anesthetic and began operation, which lasted about two hours and was interrupted for a time when he lost consciousness.
 After five days the temperature returned to normal, two days later were dropped stitches. Leonid Rogozov became known around the world.